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Exam nahi hai mushkil

Exam nahi hai mushkil

GGF believes exams are one of the events in the long process of education. Therefore, while they should be treated in all seriousness, they should not become a source of fear and anxiety for the children. Therefore, GGF ran a campaign in its intervention area Arambagh in Delhi focusing on communicating the message of taking the exams seriously, studying hard without worry or fear.Main focus of the campaign was to encourage and guide parents and children to help in planning for the exams. Nukkadnatak was conducted on a weekly basis by ‘Jamghat’ street play group in the community. Meetings with Doctors & psychologist were organized in the community to help parents and children to face the exams as a positive and useful event in the longer process of education. Doctors also shared the value of nutritious food and guided the parents and children on what kind of food they should be eating to improve their concentration power.